Go Visit: York (Day Two)


Earlier in the week I wrote about our first day in York, now here's the second half...

We like to visit places off the beaten track when we're in cities, and this visit was no exception.  After wandering through the crooked streets in the early morning, we chanced upon a sign that pointed to a medieval church.  Mr CC and I are always won over by anything medieval, so it was a no-brainer.  Holy Trinity Goodramgate did not let us down.

HolyTrinityGoodramgateChiefly dating from the 15th century, it also boasts some features from as far back as the 12th century.  I remember when I was younger, my dad took me to visit old, interesting churches and I suppose his enthusiasm has rubbed off on me.  I love the way that light filters through church windows, and here was no exception.

After our unplanned detour, it was off to the York Castle Museum and a trip back to a Victorian street, complete with authentic houses uprooted and re-built within the museum. I am a devout reader of Victorian literature, and the museum reinstated my love for the era. You can buy sweets in the confectioners, and soap in the pharmacy, or simply gaze with wonder in the stationery shop window; you could spend the whole day here if you wanted as the York Castle Prison is adjacent to the Victorian street museum.


Our final morning in York was spent exploring the York Museum Gardens and admiring the ruins of the Abbey and the Hospitium (an excellent wedding venue!).  The remnants of the floods were still lingering by the back of the Hospitium, but the grass was lush and green and spring flowers were poking their heads out of the banks.  In the height of summer, this area would be filled with picnic baskets and children playing, but we pretty much had it to ourselves; just the way we like it.  I'd highly recommend a walk around the gardens if you get chance; a little speck of the countryside within the city boundaries.

Our final stop was at the department store Fenwicks where I excitedly tried out a plethora of perfumes to find the perfect choice for our wedding (I've wanted a new fragrance for a while, too).  Well of course, I chose one of the most expensive bottles; Chanel Allure.  Admittedly a little out of my price range for everyday wear, I fell in love with the simple floral scent and knew the choice was out of my hands.  Now to convince Mr CC to buy me a bottle...

Do let me know if you have any other recommendations for a trip to York; I'm sure we'll be visiting again soon!

