Making Memories

So many happy memories this week! It's been hectic, don't get me wrong, but that's often the way I like it, as long as my diary is full of positive things rather than simply lots of deadlines. Last weekend was spent with family: Friday night out for a meal celebrating my new job; Saturday night at the village hall to see a live blues band; and Sunday in the garden planting onions, digging veg beds and indulging in my mum's homemade scones. We also took Bella for a walk with a new toy, and I can't resist including this new photo of her looking oh so very grown up.


A beautiful bunch of pink roses have also been cheering up my kitchen table all week (a gift from my mother-in-law-to-be!) which are lovely not only to look at, but also will be a welcome addition to my dried petal confetti for the wedding once they have outstayed their welcome in the enamel jug. Sticking with a floral theme, the deep purple hellebore is out in our garden at the moment and looked absolutely glorious over the weekend in the sunshine.


Things only got busier after the weekend, and on Wednesday we picked up our new (well, new to us) car! We have to be a two car family because of our jobs, and unfortunately Mr CC had been using my old car for far too long - so much so that we decided it was time for a more efficient investment. He has also promised me that mine will receive a full spring clean this weekend to make up for the fact that his is now new and shiny (although I won't hold my breath...).

Thursday (I can't believe we're still in the same week!) was a long day at work followed by a wonderful meal at a local Italian restaurant to celebrate a close friend's birthday. The food was good, the company even better, and it was such a cheerful way to end a busy week. Next week I will be working for a couple of days but then I will be off over Easter, and I am so much looking forward to a bit of time and space to myself, much as I have loved the last few sociable days.

What memories have you made this week?

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