

Hello and welcome to the final guest post of the week! Today the lovely Beeta from Fill My Little World has shared her thoughts on mornings. Beeta's blog has lots of lists (you know how I love lists), travel and food posts and I love her Sunday round-ups as they never fail to put a smile on my face - head over and show it some love.

I have always been more productive early in the day and still wake with the birds a lot of the time, but what about you? Take a read and share your thoughts. Happy weekend!

Fill My Little World sky clouds

Morning - a time of day that has escaped my attention for most of my life.

Getting up early was practically unheard of during my teenage years. Staying up late, of course, required minimal effort. That was the morning I enjoyed. Quiet, eerily still - whirring of the laptop, an unhealthy blue glare, footsteps of a parent going to bed.

Thoughts masked during daylight, the early hours unlock and engage parts of the mind and strands of rationale otherwise unexplored. Real mornings are chaotic, short, wasted. Is this cereal breakfast or lunch? Missed phone calls, missed cups of tea with family, disappointed Mum again - she was itching to start the day. Stole her morning too.

Moving forward - mornings should equal routine. Productivity, like today. Forced or encouraged to interrupt my comforting dreams by a responsibility out of duty or love, conducted with intentions to crawl back into bed again, but spurred on by cool water, open eyes, sugar, a to-do list that craves attention.

Alertness may be a long way off. Daily repetition will be stumped by health. But, both ends of the AM bring beauty - a silent push for getting jobs done as the birds tweet and the sun speaks, rivalled and equalled by the creative sparks the stars deliver.

It's just a pity, sometimes, that sleep is a necessity.