Posts tagged Inspire
The Year in Books: August


Perching on the edge of a camping stool, curled up next to the log burner in a tipi, snatched early morning moments amongst the dew; finding time to read this month has been relatively easy, and I have devoured a number of books as a result. I might have mentioned previously that I've been reading in preparation for a new book club with friends and I've just finished Khaled Hosseini's And The Mountains Echoed as the first book we've chosen. My opinions changed over the course of reading this, and it was one of those books that you can't quite work out until you get to the end and then every loop joins together and you have a moment to reflect and think, yes, that was an intense but incredible read.

I've also made my way through A Croft in the Hills - the fascinating tale of Katharine Stewart's life in the Scottish hills and her family's attempts to live self-sufficiently. Her simple yet evocative descriptions of the area made me want to up sticks and move north of the border - although perhaps not in the winter months without running water or electricity, as she first experienced.

Finally I've been reading last month's choice for The Year in Books - Shatter Me With Dawn (Sally Russell) - and although I found it somewhat less accessible than A Croft in the Hills, it was nevertheless an eye-opening read filled with country life with a strong focus on the animals Russell kept on her farm.


For this month's choice I've selected a book on a similar theme - A Year in the Woods: A Diary of a Forest Ranger by Colin Elford. I will be throwing my tweed blanket over my toes and sipping hot cinnamon tea whilst reading as the cusp of autumn arrives.

What have you been reading this month? As always, for more recommendations or to take part in The Year in Books, head over to the link-up at Circle of Pine Trees and while you're there, catch up on the other lovely posts written by Laura.

Here's hoping you have a wonderful Tuesday.

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Midweek Motivation

Roald Dahl Quotation - Creative Countryside Today's post is all about believing. Believing in that dream, that goal that you secretly don't want to tell people because it sounds silly to say it out loud when it seems so far away, so out of reach. But that magic? It's achievable. It's out there waiting for you to feel ready to say, "OK. I want this. Where do I start?"

Saying things out loud is the first step to admitting they are real and that they mean something to you, and that can be pretty scary, but also incredibly rewarding. If I hadn't spoken candidly about wanting to write more with Mr CC a year or so ago, I would never have been encouraged to start this blog. If I hadn't admitted I wanted a change in career two years ago, I would still be stuck in a lonely, dull and lifeless role.

So I'll make you a deal. Today you have to admit to something you want, something that feels like it might never happen, because it would be so magical if it did that you can't quite comprehend it. Share your dream with your partner, with your family or friends, or share it with me here! It will feel so much easier once you've said it out loud, I promise.

Deals are reciprocal, so here's my goal: I want to write a book. There, I said it. It's lingered at the back of my mind for so many years, tempting and toying with me, asking if I'm even good enough, if I have it in me. But you know what? It doesn't matter any more, because I've standing up and admitting that one day I want to achieve this.

How about you? What magic do you aspire to? I'd love for you to share your thoughts.



The Lovely List

Good  morning! How are we all today? I hope the rain is holding off and you're having a wonderful time eating strawberries and lazing in the sun. This week has been a mixed bag and has definitely improved as it has progressed, resulting in a slightly less stressed household just in time for Friday evening. I've been taking part in the Big Blogging Bootcamp this week from Rosalium; six days in and so far so good. I've been blogging for a little while now and I wanted to focus my energies on what's really important rather than whiling away my 'blogging time' with tweaking visuals and pondering post ideas. As such, you might start to see a few minor changes around here (I've managed to sort out the colour scheme and have altered the menu this week) but they won't be major. Have you been making any changes to things in your life recently?

Cart track in Upperaustria leads to the sky.

On my quest to improve I've been checking out lots of lovely new blogs, particularly ones that I wouldn't normally be drawn to, including the happy and healthy living focused Happily Polly. Her recipe for Raw Vegan Raspberry 'Cheesecake' sounds so intriguing that I'm going to have to try it.

On the theme of food, this Blue and Red Berry Ricotta Galette is something I definitely need in my life.

It's another recipe. But really - rose-soaked pistachio and lemon cake? Yes please.

These reasons plus many more are why I live the simple life.

One of my biggest beliefs in life and how we live our life as a reflection of that, is that simple living is the key to happiness and fulfilment.

I love Lincolnshire, so much so that I can't imagine living anywhere else. And why would I when it boasts Lincolnshire sausages, the rolling Wolds and fields and fields of spectacular countryside to explore? Looking for more reasons? Check out Emma's love for the county here.

Have you found any delectable recipes or have you read any posts you'd like to recommend this week?


P.S. Check out last week's Lovely List for some beautiful evening photographs and a link to blogging greatness.

Midweek Motivation

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I've never needed midweek motivation quite as much as I do today - has it felt like the week has dragged for you too? Regardless, after today we're on the home stretch to the weekend, so I will try to bear these words in mind as the day progresses.

Enjoy your Wednesdays!


P.S. Looking for more motivation? Check out this post.

Staying Positive

Today is going to be a tough day.  This morning I am attending the funeral of a family member who passed away suddenly and far too early in his short life over Easter.  I've cried, I've questioned why, and I've pulled strength from my reserves, for ultimately these things are sent to try us and to make us stronger.  So from today I will try even harder to be happy, to be grateful for everyone and everything, and to see life as a miracle.


CC x