Posts tagged November
The Lovely List


Weekly blog posts are funny old things. They start with the best of intentions, yet few remain and they often peter out when time becomes an issue or there simply isn't enough to write about one week. I've had so many blog posts calling out to be included in my Lovely List series, but Sunday comes and goes and I only just find time to read the blogs I enjoy, perhaps commenting on a couple, but definitely not finding the time to write about them in a post. However, I'm determined to bring this one back, because sharing is caring after all, and there are some things just too good to miss.

In other news, we let Bella off her lead for the first time this weekend, and despite Mr CC and I being a bit apprehensive she was absolutely wonderful, even when we passed a field of sheep. We've got a good one there.



This past week I've loved reading everything on The Tea Drinking English Rose. Charlotte's photographs are soft and beautiful and her excitement about Christmas is almost on a par to my own. Get over there this instant if it's not one of your regular reads!

Kaite and Reuben over at House of Humble are back and I am so glad. These ten good things right now are helping me to appreciate the small, simple things as my days grow even more hectic.

These photos make me want to go out walking. Right now.

This post on crafting the seasons at Liberty is further feeding my obsession with Christmas. I just want to stay at home and make Christmas gifts and tags all day long with a hot chocolate in hand and Bella at my feet.

A lovely life lately post from Sarah. She's also chosen me for her Sunday Spotlight this week, so make sure you check that out too!

You might have also seen in my sidebar that I've been nominated for the UK Blog Awards 2015 (#UKBA15) - it's the first blogging award I've ever been a part of, so if you like what you see on Creative Countryside, I'd be very grateful if you could spare a minute of your time to vote for me!

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

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The Year in Books: November

Good morning, and welcome to the week! It's time for another Year in Books post, and at this time of year I revel in devouring a few pages before bed each night in the cosiness of our cottage while the elements whirl wildly outside. If you read October's post, you'll have seen that last month I was making my way through The Dog Whisperer by Jan Fennell. Not only fascinating for dog owners, but also those interested in animals more generally, it made for an informative read and we've been using tips and advice for training Bella. The general idea is to praise the good and ignore the bad, and although this hasn't proved easy (after the clocks went back she decided 4.15am was a sensible time to wake up and seize the day), we have persevered and for only fifteen weeks old she isn't getting on too badly.


For the month ahead and into December I'm throwing myself wholeheartedly into the season and have selected a suitably wintery tale - Kate Mosse's The Winter Ghosts. I've never read a novel by Mosse before, despite her critical acclaim, and I'm looking forward to enjoying it curled up in front of the fire with a mug of hot chocolate. Have any of you read this one before?

On the topic of hot chocolate, I'm making it my mission this week to try out as many different recipes as I can fit in. We visited Bruges a few years ago and nothing has ever compared since (although the Whittard version pictured comes pretty close) so I'll be grating chocolate, adding spices and experimenting to find the most delicious accompaniment to my book. If you have any hot chocolate tips, please do let me know!

As always, for more recommendations or to take part in The Year in Books, head over to the link-up at Circle of Pine Trees and while you’re there, catch up on the other lovely posts written by Laura.

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Eat Seasonably in November

November is the month for eating game in our household. Pheasant, partridge, rabbit; you name it and we'll stick in in a stew or pie and devour it with a mountain of buttery mash and a side of curly kale. The leftovers of October are still lingering at the bottom of our veg boxes, so squashes and root vegetables still star, but taking centre stage throughout the month is without a doubt the meat, and by far the best way to enjoy it (in my humble opinion) is to slow cook.

Returning home to a cold house at the end of a long day toiling at work is always vastly improved when wafting through the front door is the smell of a pheasant casserole. Why not try Jamie's recipe here for a full on blast of autumnal flavour - it even includes chestnut dumplings.

As the cold air blows into our lungs and through the nooks and crannies of our house, we know it's time to start ordering a veg box again as the garden no longer produces enough to sustain our hunger throughout the week. As November appears, we also make it a priority to order some venison alongside the veg box. A lean meat, venison can be somewhat dry if you don't cook it right, so stewing it is a great way of preserving its flavour and rich texture. However, it's just as good in burger form. Try this recipe or head over here to order them ready-made to enjoy with homemade wedges and ketchup.

Meat aside, there are many other gastronomic delights to be had and recipes to try out over the month, including this kale and mushroom lasagne - perfect for a family dinner. If you're after something sweet it's still prime time for apples, so why not try an apple pie?

What will be on your plate this month?